Islamabad Art Festival (SMC-Pvt.) Ltd. is pleased to announce Islamabad Art Festival 2020 (hereinafter referred to as IAF-20) and is the promoter and organizer of the event.

IAF-20 will be opened to the public from October 25th until November 8th, 2020. Mr. Jamal Shah will be the President and chief curator (hereinafter referred to as “Artistic Director”). IAF-20 will take place in the institutional venues with extensions in other venues in the Capital city of Islamabad (Pakistan). The Artistic Director is responsible for the development and realization of the event, relying on the organization of IAF-20.

The event will include:

  • Visual Art: International participations by the individual foreign Country (Direct and through diplomatic missions in Pakistan) whereas participations from Pakistan by the individuals, art institutions and curators.
  • Performing Art: (Dance/Music/Theatre/Puppetry/Mime etc.) Participations by the individual foreign Country (Direct and through diplomatic missions in Pakistan) and Participations from Pakistan by the individuals, art institutions and curators. (Selected performances will be restricted to invitees only).
  • Cinema: International participations by the individual country through diplomatic missions in Pakistan and Participation from Pakistan by the individuals and production houses.
  • Discursive Sessions (Seminar/Symposia/Conference/Lectures/Workshops etc.): Participations by the individuals, art institutions and curators of Pakistan whereas international participations will be entertained direct and through diplomatic missions in Islamabad.
  • Collateral Events: They will be selected and promoted by IAF-20 and will include following.
    1. Carnivals
    2. Educational Programs
    3. Craft Mela
    4. Food Fiesta (Food/Cuisine)


IAF-20 will promote and publicize the event in its own institutional communication tools as follows:

  • Materials supplied to the Pakistani and international press, following the terms and deadlines established by IAF-20 in its own communication plan for the event;
  • Official catalogue of the IAF-20, where there will be a section dedicated to National and International Participations with a fixed number of pages including texts and images for each Participation as established by the general editorial plan of the IAF-20 catalogue;
  • Web site of IAF-20;
  • Islamabad map to be displayed in all the clusters of IAF-20 which will highlight the venues of all Participations. Furthermore, during the preview IAF-20 will provide additional printed promotional material, where provided by the participants. In order to include necessary information the participants must upload the following materials and information for press release to the Media Cell of IAF-20.
  • Significant images of the exhibited works, meeting the required international press standards
  • Complete captions of Art Works
  • Photographs credits as indicated by the Media Cell of IAF-20
  • Written description and explanation of the exhibition project for the purpose of promoting and publicizing the Event
  • Promotional material to be distributed to the Pakistani and international press during the preview of IAF-20 and at the press conferences (not to be returned).
  • Printing of invitations for joint and restricted events.

Note: These materials will have to be uploaded at: for the approval of IAF-20 before any publication to the press within May 2020.

In order to include the participation in the catalogue and in the other publications on distribution (short guide, leaflet, etc.), the curator will receive specific information forms from IAF-20 to be signed by each exhibitor or by his/her representative under the responsibility of the Curator himself/herself.

The material and information required for the publication must be submitted online through IAF-20 website no later than May 31st 2020. The information and other terms are:

  • Title of the Participation;
  • Names and qualifications of the Curator/s and exhibitors;
  • Text with a description of the exhibition project;
  • Number of significant images of the works on exhibit, meeting the publication standards (minimum format 21×29, 300 dpi, tiff/jpg file) including full captions and photographs credits as indicated in the Entry Form that will be available on IAF website. In general, copyright clearances must be obtained by the Curator for the free and unrestricted use of all images and texts provided;
  • IAF-20 may hence use such images and texts on all kinds of supports and media considered to be useful for communication, advertising and social media, including all web-based services. For this purpose IAF-20 will send a Copyright Form which must be returned together with the provided materials. Such Copyright Form, granting clearance, must be signed by the owner of the rights of the work and/or the project (the architect himself or his heirs). IAF-20 cannot be held responsible for incorrect or incomplete data and information regarding the works and authors on materials which have been printed, published and/ or distributed by IAF-20 itself when the required documentation should result incomplete, not clearly legible or if it received after the established deadlines. No change in venue or running dates of the Participations will be allowed if notified after the deadline of August 31st, 2020. IAF-20 reserves the exclusive right, directly or through third parties, to film or photograph the works and installations inside the exhibition spaces of the IAF-20, for the realization of editorial products aimed to document and promote the Exhibition, including products for Pakistan and international commercial television networks, home video, DVD and Internet.
  • IAF-20 also reserves the right to use the materials provided by the participating Country for the purposes of its own institutional communication plan (Exhibition catalogue and any other related publication, including CD-ROMs, guidebooks, postcards, products or promotional materials distributed free of charge or for sale) with no obligation to pay any fee or compensation to the participants.
  • Supporters of the Participants any sponsor, institution or public and/or private subject that have contributed in any capacity to the realization of the Participation may, if explicitly requested by the organizers, be mentioned in the Exhibition catalogue in accordance with the guidelines established by IAF-20 which in any case do not allow the publication of logos and/or corporate symbols. No sponsors of the Participation may, under any circumstance, be presented or present themselves in independent public relations actions as sponsors of the IAF-20, since they are recognized only as sponsors or supporters of the Participation they have supported.

NOTE: IAF-20 reserves the right to reject any or all proposals without assigning any reason.


IAF-20 will provide the following facilities to the participants:

  1. Availability of venues for the exhibitions, film screening and performing art.
  2. Limited technical and professional support for the arrangements.
  3. Hotel accommodation on double occupancy basis with breakfast to international and Pakistani delegates coming from abroad and other than Rawalpindi/Islamabad, Pakistan.
  4. IAF-20 will decide who will stay in which Hotel. No choice of Hotel will be entertained from any individual or diplomatic mission. However, the diplomatic mission or delegate(s) may like to stay in the Hotel of their choice at their own cost.
  5. Standard Lunch/dinner (preferably local cuisine) will be served. Venues and menus will be decided by IAF-20.
  6. Airport pick and drop of international delegates on prior intimation of flight schedule.
  7. Transport to and from Hotels to the venues of IAF-20 and Lunch/Dinner/Hi-Tea etc. only as and when required.

The participating countries/participants will be responsible for the followings:

  • Air Travel/Travelling to and from Islamabad.
  • The participating Country/Curators will sustain all installation costs for the exhibition.
  • Cost of transportation (air freight etc.), customs procedures, storage of crates and materials
  • Cleaning, insurance, waste collection and disposal and any additional cost that might be required for the proper realization of the exhibition/performance.
  • Performance fee/per diem, if any, to the artists.
  • Costumes/props
  • Health insurance of participating artists and insurance of art works, if any.
  • As per Pakistan customs rules the Exhibition of International art works can only be brought to Pakistan by a diplomatic mission on “Import cum export basis”, hence the sale of international art works in IAF-20 is not allowed. However, individual international artist can sale or donate the art works to IAF-20 subject to meeting the Pakistani Customs rules and regulations.
  • However, any sale of art work is subject to payment of 50% of the price to Islamabad Art Festival (SMC-Pvt.) Ltd.

Miscellaneous: In case of controversy in the interpretation of the individual articles of these Regulations the decision of core committee of IAF-20 will be considered binding. In case of dispute and for any matter not covered by these Regulations, the decision by IAF-20 is final.

The participating Country/Curator will also notify the contacts (WhatsApp and email) focal person in charge of official communication with IAF-20.


Information and Contact Desk of IAF-20

Islamabad Art Festival (SMC-Pvt.) Ltd.

217-B, Margalla Road (North), F-10/3, Islamabad
Phone: +92 51 2211152-53

WhatsApp: +92 315 699 3443




217-B, Margalla Road, North, Sector F-10/3, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Tel. +92 315 699 3443




217-B, Margalla Road, North, Sector F-10/3, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Tel. +92 51 2211152 – 53




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